

Coping with bad mental health days when we live alone

Hello readers,

Having a series of bad mental health days while living alone?

When living alone it can sometimes mean that we have to deal with bad mental health all by ourselves, we don’t have the option of asking our partner to run some quick errands for us or simply make us a cup of coffee.

We’ve all been there but don’t worry in this blog post we will walk you through tips that will help you cope up with the hard days.

You can absolutely live alone without feeling lonely. Here are some pointers to help you embrace your  solitude and find fulfillment in living solo.

1. It all starts with you

Living alone gives you time to work with the most important relationship – the one you have with yourself.

Being surrounded by friends and family keeps you focused on maintaining a healthy bond with them and in the meantime your relationship with yourself takes a backseat.

If you’ve recently left home, taking sometime off to get to know yourself better might be the way to start. You can start by considering what you would want to do with your free time, what is your comfort food, if you like binging Netflix and most importantly the deeper questions too.

Spending time alone will help you reflect and understand what path you wish to take in life ahead. A well developed sense of self will help you gain a better perspective of what you want from your relationships with other people.

Seems quite a lot? Try journaling these thoughts to help you keep a track of your progress.

2. Identify when you feel most lonely

No matter how much you love living alone, we as human beings often find ourselves feeling lonely. These feelings might come up around those times of the day we associate with seeing people.

If you are someone who enjoys conversation coupled with a healthy breakfast, try planning brunch with friends. When you find your evenings dull, turn onto some tunes as you unwind from work and prepare dinner.

3. Own a pet!

Always wanted a furry friend? Now’s your chance! Having pets would mean you don’t have to come home to an empty house. They offer physical comfort, stroking a dog’s back releases mood boosting hormones and more important they are entertaining 🤭

Want to start a routine? A pet will keep you on track with your schedule since they need to be fed & groomed regularly.

Before choosing a pet make sure you read up on their care since some pets need special diet while others may have a lifespan more than the years you are willing to commit to.

You can foster animals if you’re not willing to commit to a longer period of time. Many shelter homes will allow you to temporarily provide a home for the animals.

4. Reach out to your community

Loneliness doesn’t always strike in the most predictable places. Socializing would be a great way to keep loneliness at bay. Here are some ideas to connect with your community

– Check community schools, libraries for volunteering opportunities

– Get acquainted with your neighbors and find out if you share similar interests

– Visit local markets and get to know the other regulars better

5. Make a routine

A routine or a daily to-do list helps you look forward to the next morning. Routine helps in managing stress and loneliness, since being busy keeps the unwanted anxiety away.

While planning your routine, just make sure that you don’t over schedule yourself because over scheduling may lead to you mentally checking out and you might end up procrastinating. Also don’t plan every minute of every single day, it’s always good to keep some room for spontaneity !

Some tips to consider while planning your schedule:

– Schedule time each week for household chores like cleaning, laundry

– Try to go to bed and wake up around the same time everyday

– Set time aside for hobbies and relaxations.

Here’s the bottom line

Even if you feel lonely sometimes, you aren’t truly alone. Remember you can always reach out to your loved ones. Most importantly mental health issues should not be taken lightly, identify the red flags and reach out to mental health professionals for help. 

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